1.0 Preamble
These Guidelines are issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter referred to as “SEC”) pursuant to section 15 of the Securities Industry Act, 2016 (Act 929) amended by the Securities Industry (Amendment) Act, 2021 (Act 1062) for the payment of market levies.
2.0 Applicability
These Guidelines shall be applicable to Market Operators for the year 2025.
3.0 Market Operators’ Levy
Market Operators | Levy (GH¢) |
Stock Exchange | 50,000 |
Commodity Exchange | 15,000 |
Securities Depository | 50,000 |
Primary Dealer | 20,000 |
Custodian | 20,000 |
Issuing House | 20,000 |
Trustee (CIS) | 15,000 |
Note Trustee | 20,000 |
Fund Manager | 7,500 |
Broker-Dealer | 5,000 |
Investment Advisor | 5,000 |
Registrar | 5,000 |
Commodities Warehouse Operator | 3,000 |
Credit Rating Agency | 15,000 |
Crowdfunding Intermediary | 5,000 |
Crowdfunding Platform Operators | 5,000 |
3.1 Mode of payment
The Market Operator shall pay the required levy by the end of the first quarter of the year either in full or in a maximum of three installments with the last installment paid not later than June 30th of the applicable year.
4.0 Transaction levy
- The transaction levy shall be paid by the purchaser and seller of
- The transaction levy shall be charged on the purchase and sale as follows:
- For shares, 7% of the total transaction value will be distributed as follows:
- Ghana Stock Exchange – 35%
- For shares, 7% of the total transaction value will be distributed as follows:
(ii) Central Securities Depository Ltd – 0.15% (iii)Securities and Exchange Commission – 0.15%. (iv)Market Development – 0.05%
- For Bonds, 01% of the value of trades and shall be appropriated as follows:
- Ghana Fixed Income Market – 0045%;
(ii) Central Securities Depository Ltd – 0.0028%; (iii)Securities and Exchange Commission – 0.0025%; (iv)Market Development – 0.0002%
- For Repurchase transactions: both Collateralized Lending and GMRA shall be charged at 0.002% total fees payable by each of the parties and shall be distributed as follows:
- Central Securities Depository Ltd – 0014% (i.e. 70% of 0.002%) and
- Securities and Exchange Commission – 0006% (i.e. 30% of 0.002%).
4.1 Mode of payment
The transaction levy shall be paid within ten working (10) days after the end of the month in which the transaction was effected.
5.0 Admission Levy (Previously Issuer Fee).
Fixed-income securities issued by the Government, Corporates, Metropolitan and Municipal Assemblies shall attract an admission levy of 0.018% of the face value of the issued securities and shall be apportioned as follows;
- Central Securities Depository Ltd-015%
- Securities and Exchange Commission-003%
5.1 Mode of payment
The Central Securities Depository shall pay the required levy within fifteen working (15) days after the end of the month in which the transaction was effected.
6.0 Bank account details for all transactions
All payments shall be made to the SEC through the bank account stated below.
Name of Bank: Consolidated Bank Ghana Limited
Account Name: Securities and Exchange Commission
Account Number: 1774358120001
Branch: Manet Tower 3
7.0 Sanctions for non-payment of Market Levies
The Commission shall exercise its powers under section 209 (4) of the Securities Industry Act, 2016 (Act 929) as amended by the Securities Industry (Amendment) Act, 2021 (Act 1062).
Download the Guidelines here Guidelines On Market Levies For 2025