The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Ghana, is the apex regulatory body of the Securities Industry in Ghana. It is backed by and operates with the following legislation:

Securities Industry Law (SIL) 1993, PNDCL 333

Securities Industry (Amendment) Act (SIA) 2000, Act 590

Legislative Instruments (LI 1695 and LI 1728)

Securities Industry Act, 2016(Act 929)

  • 1993

    The Commission was established in accordance with the SIL 1993, PNDCL 333. It was called the “Securities Regulatory Commission under the SIL, PNDCL 333. It operated under the supervision of the Governor, Bank of Ghana. The Bank of Ghana set up a Capital Market Desk to regulate the Industry.

  • 1998

    The Securities Regulatory Commission was formally set up in September 1998 as an independent regulator of the capital market in Ghana.

  • 2000

    It became the Securities and Exchange Commission by an act of Parliament, Securities Industry Amendment Act, 2000(Act 590).

  • 2016

    A new Act, Securities Industry Act, 2016(Act 929) was enacted to expand the powers of the SEC. This new law replaces the Securities Industry Law, 1993(PNDCL 333).